Journal of Veterinary Medicine And Science : Open Access

About the Journal

Journal of Veterinary Medicine And Science (JVMS) is an international open access journal which publishes original, high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of veterinary medicine.

Aims and Scope

Journal of Veterinary Medicine And Science is a peer-reviewed journal for rapid dissemination of research in all areas of veterinary medicine and science. The journal aims to publish research that helps advance the theoretical and practical understanding of animal science and medicine. This research should be relevant to any area of the health and management of domestic animals, poultry, aquatic animals, wildlife and related fields including (but not limited to):

➤  Infectious diseases, epidemiology, disease dynamics, animal medicine

➤  Animal welfare, management and hygiene, nutrition and clinical nutrition

➤  Surgery, anesthesiology and diagnostic imaging, experimental surgery

➤  Obstetrics, gynecology, andrology, teratology

➤  Breeding, artificial insemination and dairy science, preventive veterinary medicine

➤  Zoonoses and one health, food hygiene and food technology

➤  Avian and rabbit diseases, wildlife diseases and management

➤  Aquatic animal diseases and aquaculture management

➤  Microbiology, biotechnology, nanotechnology and immunology, pathology

➤  Histochemistry, clinical pathology and parasitology, forensic medicine 

➤  Environmental toxicology, pharmacology and clinical pharmacology

➤  Biochemistry and molecular biology, physiology, histology, anatomy and embryology

Papers covering recent advances in animal and poultry nutrition, avian diseases, animal infectious diseases, zoonotic diseases, food hygiene and technology, molecular biology, veterinary biotechnology and nanotechnology, veterinary medicine, veterinary vaccine and diagnostics will be given priority.

Journal of Veterinary Medicine And Science publishes original research articles, reviews, case reports, and opinion pieces, along with editorials and commentaries.

We aim to be a truly global forum for high-quality research in veterinary medicine and science, and believe that the best research should be published and made widely accessible as quickly as possible. Journal of Veterinary Medicine And Science publishes papers submitted directly to the journal.

Peer review policy

Journal of Veterinary Medicine And Science maintains the highest standards of peer review while increasing the efficiency of the process. All research articles published in the journal will undergo full peer review. We will do our utmost to judge research objectively on its own merits and to avoid favouring research, for example, from particular institutions, countries, or regions. Key characteristics of the journal’s review process are:

➤   All research articles submitted directly to the Journal are initially evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief or by one of the team of specialist associate editors; articles found appropriate for the Journal will be reviewed by at least two suitably qualified experts.

➤   Most submissions transferred to Journal of Veterinary Medicine And Science from partnering journals will be assessed using the original peer-review reports from those journals; however, the Editor-in-Chief or a specialist associate editor will critically review these peer-review reports and may choose to send manuscripts out for additional review.

➤   All final publication decisions are made by the Editor-in-Chief taking into account the recommendation of the relevant specialist associate editor on the basis of the reviews provided.

➤   The specialist associate editors lend insight, advice and guidance to the Editor-in-Chief generally and assist in decision making on specific submissions.

➤   The Editorial Board are on hand to support and advise the Editor-in-Chief and the specialist associate editors where required.

➤   The editorial assistant provides administrative support to ensure Veterinary Medicine and Science maintains the integrity of peer review and delivers rapid and efficient publication to authors and reviewers

Key Words:

Animal Welfare, Ethics & Law

Complementary Veterinary Medicine

General & Introductory Veterinary Medicine

Laboratory Animal Medicine

Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology

Veterinary Anesthesia, Analgesia & Pain Medicine

Veterinary Clinical Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Veterinary Dentistry

Veterinary Dermatology

Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care

Veterinary Epidemiology, Public Health & Statistics

Veterinary Imaging

Veterinary Internal Medicine

Veterinary Medicine - Birds

Veterinary Medicine - Dogs & Cats

Veterinary Medicine - Equine

Veterinary Medicine - Exotic Pets

Veterinary Medicine - Farm Animals

Veterinary Medicine - Fish

Veterinary Medicine - Small Animal General

Veterinary Medicine - Zoo & Wildlife

Veterinary Medicine Special Topics

Veterinary Microbiology, Parasitology, Infectious Disease & Immunology

Veterinary Nursing & Animal Care

Veterinary Ophthalmology

Veterinary Pharmacology, Toxicology & Therapeutics

Veterinary Practice Management

Veterinary Surgery, Orthopedics & Trauma