Aditum Publications is committed to ensuring that authors can publish in their open-access journals despite the consequences of their financial status. The Journal offers waivers on case-to-case basis depending on the author country classification, article funding status and article type. Taking into consideration of factors like some institutions may have limited funding for their research activities. Thus, Aditum has a waiver fund to support full or partial waivers for authors who are based on economic classification of country. We have established a generous waiver system that may ease the payment of the processing fee when authors choose to publish their manuscripts with us.
Our prime goal is to step up the dissemination of knowledge through the publication of high-quality research articles to the scientific community. We are constantly on this goal, without putting undue financial trouble on researchers or their respective institutions. Hence, we have set up that the authors from Low Income and Middle-Income Countries may be granted maximum or full waiver.
To request a waiver, kindly mail an application to the journal editorial coordinator and the waiver application must enclose the article reference number and point out the reason for requesting a waiver. The Journal has the provision to provide waiver of up to 30 - 40% of article processing charges for the authors who have valid reasons and for the authors who belong to underdeveloped countries.
Note: Authors please note that the request for waiver or discount has to be made at the time of submission of manuscript. Journal editorial coordinator replies on the same. Author’s incapacity to pay will not have an effect on the editorial peer review process and publication process outcome.