International Journal of Epidemiology And Public Health Research : Open Access

About the Journal

ISSN: 2836-2810
Journal Impact Factor: 2.7*
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International Journal of Epidemiology And Public Health Research is a peer reviewed journal that encompasses all aspects of epidemiology and community health. It publishes original quantitative and qualitative scientific work, opinions and materials concerned with the study and improvement of communities’ worldwide. Emphasis is placed on Original articles that derive their content from the social sciences, epidemiology, survey research, health promotion, evaluation and intervention.

The journal covers topics such as;

Alternative Medicine & Complementary Therapies
Child & Family Health & Social Care
Consumer Health General
Consumer Health Special Topics
Environmental & Occupational Health
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Health & Health Care Special Topics
Health & Social Care
Health Care Administration
Health Care Professional Development & Education
Health Care Research
International Public Health
Interprofessional Working
Law & Ethics in Health & Social Care
Men's Health & Social Care
Occupational Health & Safety
Public Health Behavior & Education
Public Health General
Public Health Practice
Public Health Services & Policy
Women's Health & Social Care

This journal very clearly emphasizes the overall application of the epidemiological methods to the various issues that probably affects the distribution and determinants of the human illness in the diverse contexts. The usage of the epidemiology is a multidisciplinary approach when it comes to understanding of disease etiology. There are several review articles, editorials, commentaries and brief communications included in the international journal of epidemiology and public health research. The editorial team of the international journal of epidemiology and public health research is very strict in reviewing all the submitted manuscripts and then they are also peer reviewed before they are finalized to be published in the international journal of epidemiology and public health research.

IJEPHR welcomes all types of articles like research, case report, short communication, review, Hypothesis, Method and protocol, Editorials, Perspectives, Letter to the editor, etc from every corner of the globe.

This journal is a member of and promises to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review else you can coordinate with editorial coordinator for any queries.

Manuscript submissions:


Global Health


Burden of Disease

Community Health/Medicine

Health Services

Health Disparities

Health Education

Health Economics

Health Psychology

Health Crisis

Health of Pollution

Poverty and Health

Health Care

Disease etiology

Disease Informatics

Infectious diseases

Disease control and Prevention

Communicable & Non-communicable Diseases

Public Health practice epidemiology

Clinical surveillance

Clinical epidemiology

Public Health Management

Health and Medical Informatics

Health Services Management

Health Policy

Molecular Pathological Epidemiology

Health Psychology

Occupational Safety & Health

Behavioral science

Evidence-based medicine

Veterinary epidemiology

Personalized medicine

Preventive medicine

Epidemiological Transition