Importance and Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring for Diabetes Practices


Suliman Elwagei Ahmed (M.D)
The National Ribat University, Khartoum, Sudan

Article Information

Corresponding author: Suliman Ahmed, The National Ribat University, Khartoum, Sudan.
Received: May 28, 2021
Accepted: June 05, 2021
Published: June 08, 2021

Citation: Suliman Elwagei Ahmed, “Importance and Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring for Diabetes Practices”, J Pediatrics and Child Health Issues. 2(4); DOI: http;//
Copyright: © 2021 Suliman Elwagei Ahmed. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly Cited.


Telemedicine is the new normal, considering the era of mutant pandemics, and the parallelly evolving technology.

Faced by health care restrictions obligated by the Covid-19 pandemic, patients-especially diabetes'-, and stakeholders are wondering about the importance and benefits of remote monitoring; in which the gap of the answer, shall be filled by the doctors.


Diabetes mellitus is a disease of abnormal metabolism of carbohydrate, characterized by hyperglycemia. It is featured with a varying degree of insulin secretion impairment, along with a wide range of peripheral resistance to the insulin [UptoDate].

Failure to treat either 1st or 2nd type of DM properly will end up in a life-long complication, and acute life-threatening consequences of diabetes that lead to death [Medscape]. However, based on this fact, close monitoring represents the cornerstone in the treatment of this group of patients, especially the age extremities-children, and seniors.

On a brief glance of history’s most deadly pandemics, from the Antonine Plague to the current COVID-19 event; the inevitability of pandemics recurrence would be attributed to the expansion of human society, the soaring contact with different populations, animals, and ecosystems [1].



The high possibility to have another strike of pandemic in the near future, along with all it consequent losses, put a heavy cost on the healthcare system. Unfortunately, the traditional on-site healthcare services have proven ineffectiveness, and the world has witnessed how the health system in some of first world countries, was not coping during the last pandemic.


On a published study in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, around 200 diabetic patients, who had the history of loss of follow-up and subsequently uncontrolled blood glucose level; the following reasons were behind missing the follow up appointments in the endocrinology clinic: (a) patients think that the blood glucose is already in control (from the data in previous laboratory report) (110 cases, 55%), (b) loss of appointment card (40 cases, 20%), (c) busy on the appointment date (20 cases, 10%), (d) the appointment date is the holiday vacation period (10 cases, 5%), (e) they try to have other alternative treatment(s) (10 cases, 5%), and (f) fear of side effects of prolonged usage of antidiabetic drugs (10 cases, 5%) [2].

This study for example, shows clearly that remote patient monitoring for diabetes practices, would not only play a major role in infection control during pandemics, and ease financial burden to the patients, but also become a key factor in patient education, and raising awareness, considering the availability of access to the treating physician.

Moreover, on a study in the UK of a meta-analysis randomized controlled trials  of telehealth interventions on glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes; found that current evidence suggests that telehealth is effective in controlling HbA1c levels in people living with type 2 diabetes [3].

On an American review article, written by the medical director of the wound care center at university hospital; found that researchers have recorded between 3 to 10 fold decreases in foot re-ulceration, when patients used remote patient monitoring devices for temperature measuring. It shows that temperature monitoring is a simple mechanism by which to detect early signs of tissue abnormality in order to avoid Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) formation [4].

Another study about "Cost effectiveness of telemedicine for the delivery of outpatient pulmonary care to a rural population", linked that cost effectiveness of telemedicine to three fundamental factors: cost sharing, i.e., fulfilling patient volume and sharing of the infrastructure of telemedicine among users; the telemedicine effectiveness in terms of patient utility and excellent clinical consultations; and indirect cost savings due by decreasing cost of patients' lost productivity. However, the study concluded that telemedicine is more cost effective ($335 per patient/year) in comparison with routine care ($585 per patient/year), as well as in on-site care ($1166 per patient/year) [5].


The rewarding and benefits of remote patient monitoring for diabetes practices, on the long term, are outweighing the establishing cost; as it would prevent tremendous loss in both economic and health aspects, precisely during pandemics.


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