Status of women in the continuation of the history


M.Sh. Fayzulloeva
assistant professor, Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics (TSULBP), Tajikistan.

Article Information

*Corresponding authors: M.Sh. Fayzulloeva, assistant professor, Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics (TSULBP), Tajikistan.
Received: April 06, 2021
Accepted: April 13, 2021
Published: April 15, 2021
Citation:  M.Sh. Fayzulloeva. “Status of women in the continuation of the history”. Clinical Research and Clinical Case Reports, 1(2); DOI: http;//
Copyright: © 2021 M.Sh. Fayzulloeva. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The article discusses injustice towards women in exploitative societies, women's struggle for equality with men, and the role of women in modern society. It also provides information about some of the old traditions that have survived (in Central Asian countries) to this day and hinder the formation of the individual and the development of society.

Keywords: woman; ancient era; feudal system; protection of women's rights and freedoms; medieval customs; bride; marriage; family

        In the early stages of human development, the role of female was high in society. A woman did many household chores such as gathering natural resources, cooking, sewing, and raising children. She was a housekeeper and head of the family. The descendants were recognized by the mother and women considered as "blissful". Consequently, this period in history is called the "epoch of motherhood".

      As a result of the division of labour, emerged animal husbandry, agriculture and handicrafts, where male labor began to prevail over female labor. The man became the owner and head of the family. A patriarchal period began, and the position of women in the family and society was lower than that of men. The woman was treated as a        "continuer genus", "servant", "slave" and "submissive man".

      One of the written sources of the old-time - the laws of the king of Babylon Hammurabi (1792-1750 years BC) proclaimed inequality of men and women in the family. According to these laws, the father is the absolute ruler of the family, and the family members obeyed him; the wife should remain faithful to her husband under all circumstances, and the wife must be severely punished for adultery; a man has the right to have several maids (female servant).

     Similar laws have been published in many slave countries. In the slave society, a woman was supposed a low being, whose job was to do housework and continue the generation. Sometimes she even felt unworthy to raise a child. The ancient Greeks considered a woman a source of suffering and emphasized the distance of a man from her. The famous Athenian orator Demosthenes (384-322 years BC) expressed the public opinion about women as follow: "We keep mistresses for our own pleasure, maids for our daily work, and women for the birth of our legitimate children, who will be the guardians of our family".

       In the feudal system, kings kept many wives in their palace (garem), which were deprived of their rights. During this period, the girl was forced to marry at an early age in order to find or increase the number of servants in the family.

        In the capitalist system, women's rights were also low. Women worked in industrial plants for up to 16 hours a day in poor conditions. A woman's earnings were lower than a man, and her work was determined useless.

      Women have not had freedom for many centuries. Violations of women's rights have become a common occurrence in unjust societies.

     The Macedonian Council (585 year) discussed the theme “Is a woman human?”. Also in Leipzig (1758 year) was a scientific discussion on the question "Does a woman belong to the human race?".

     In the Pre-Islamic period, the Arab tribes had cruelly customs towards women. Consequently, this time was called in history "the period of ignorance".

     Islam proclaimed and defended the rights of women. Surah An-Nisa (Woman) is dedicated to the rights and property of women. In this chapter, the Great Creator commands to respect the dignity, honour and freedom of women. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said the following about women:

•           A woman is the most beautiful creature in the universe.

•           Women's rights are sacred.

•           Respect for women is obligatory.

•           Paradise under the feet of mothers.

•           Mother is the starting of the upbringing of society.

•           The best man who is kind to his wife.

•           Love your daughters, they are a source of mercy.

•           Do kind to the mother, to the mother,  to the mother, and after to father.

•           A wise man respects a woman; a sneaky man humiliates a woman.

•           It is better to sit with your family than to be alone in a mosque.

•           The one who took care of his two daughters or two aunts (mother's sister or father) or grandmother, he is with me in Paradise.

•           If every man loved his wife, the all-world would prosper.

       During the Renaissance, when the humanistic traditions of antiquity were revived, changed public opinion about women. Have been recognized qualities like kindness, forgiveness, gentleness as the nature of a woman. Because such properties have the majority of women.

       The struggle for women's equality began in the second half of the 19th century. For the first time, workers in New York staged a demonstration on March 8, 1857, and they requested better working conditions and equal pay with men. After this event, the Social Democratic Organization of Women was formed in New York, and for its calling was held a meeting on March 8, 1908. In this meeting participated above 15 thousand women who insisted on equality between men and women.

        An International Congress of Socialists took place on August 27, 1910, in Copenhagen, Denmark.  In it, German revolutionary woman Clara Catkin reported on the protection of women's rights. At the suggestion of Clara Catkin, Congress declared March 8 - International Women's Day, which means that every year on this day women can organize demonstrations and require a solution to their problems. Till present time, every year March 8 celebrated as Women's Day in many countries.

      The position of women in society changed dramatically after the October Revolution of the 1917 year. In socialist countries, women got equal rights with men. However, until the middle of the twentieth century, in most countries of the world, inequality between men and women in the family was a real practice.

       The United Nations is defender a of human rights and has adopted several international decrees to provide women's freedom. United Nations established UNIFEM (November 1976) to solve gender issues and expand the financial and technical capacity of women. The United Nations adopted the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against Women (December 1979).

       The struggle to defend women's honor continues till now. World politics is focused on protecting human rights and in most countries, women and mothers are highly valued. The international community has proclaimed equality between men and women and has made great achievements in this area. Despite all these successes, some patriarchal customs have traditionally existed and serve as an obstacle to human development, destroying tranquillity in families and hindering the progress of society.

      Restrictions or discrimination against girls and women are common in many families. For example, (in some families of Central Asia) the daughter is under the control of her father or brother until she grows up and then under the control of her husband and family. May she is called "thing of someone else", "guest of the parents’ house". The choice of a spouse is at the discretion of the parents. The daughter must "politely" agree with the choice of the parents. However, the woman's consent is one of the conditions of marriage.

     According to local tradition, the bride must serve the husband’s family. From the first days of marriage, she obliges to carry out service, bowing his head, quietly and politely. Education, professional activity and a child do not exclude this task for a young woman. Despite any attitude, she must be obeying her husband's family. Sometimes even, the bride becomes a maid, and she is also called the «housemaid".

      Is it not exploitation? Yes, this is discrimination and oppression of women. As a result of this violence in the last years, many families have experienced tragic events for women. Suicide and self-immolation are especially common in rural areas. The reason for these tragedies is the pressure on women and the low level of intellection.

       Old customs complicate marital relationships, which they cannot stand young women today. Most men consider housework obligations of female, which is a misconception. For example, a working woman might come home tired and do all the housework while her husband flips through the newspapers until the meal is ready. And after eating a husband watches TV. A woman cleans the kitchen and takes care of the children. Both men and women have returned from work, but the man is on vacation and the woman is busy with household chores. This is violence against women.

       Nature has made a woman physically tender and a man strong. Therefore, a man should be on par with a woman in household chores and act fairly.

       In literary compositions, a woman was called "the angel of life." Therefore, should be related to woman with respect, dignity and care. God said: "Treat women with kindness ..." (Holy Koran: 4:19). The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: "If every man loved his wife, the all-world would prosper".

       Now is the epoch of the progress of science and technology, democracy, the rise of humanism, and all the achievements are for the good of mankind. We must abolish the surviving feudal customs, which are against the freedom and rights of human. Because develop of a kind of morality possibly based on freedom and self-knowledge.


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