Revolution of psoriasis


Vijaya vilas pemgirikar
Ganeshnagar, sangamner Ahmednagar Maharashtra 422605.

Article Information

*Corresponding author: Vijaya vilas pemgirikar, Ganeshnagar, sangamner Ahmednagar Maharashtra 422605, 
Received: November 23, 2021
Accepted: December 20, 2021
Published: December 24, 2021
Citation: Vijaya vilas pemgirikar “Multimodal Anesthesia Approach for Craniotomy and Tumor Resection Adjacent to the Eloquent Area in Awake Patient: Case Report.” Clinical Case Reports and Clinical Study, 5(5); DOI: 10.61148/2766-8614/JCCRCS/102
Copyright: © 2021 Vijaya vilas pemgirikar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.



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What is psoriasis - 

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes red itchy, scaly patches. They usually appear on elbows, knees, lower back ans scalp. It tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months than subsiding for a while or going in to remission. 

Why psoriasis - 

Human body has  skeletal muscle alignment. Functional link between the teeth and back, muscles from the upper cervical area and dural tube encircling the brain travel through lower skull structures (teeth, jawbone) to the sacrum, a triangular--shaped bone at the base of the spine, any issues anywhere with the this interconnected syrup tire will affect points along the connection. 

It means human body alignment holds upper jaw. Upper jaw played crucial role maintain skeletal, musicals in alignment. 

Unfortunately many outside factors accidental cause, injury, overworking if create physical force witch push upper jaw teeth left side it start from 1 mm then it stretch  trigeminal nerves and trigeminal nerves branches stretch other nerves(tissues) of muscle and bones.

Then our body react cervical miss alignment sculk moved right to left. 

Then back side of right ear jaw pull down and from back side of left ear goes up. 

Then spinal cord started miss aligned it causes Inflammation, soreness, anxiety, depression digestive issues and chronic fatigue are just some of the many ways in which your body telling u that u have vertebra out of alignment. This is because the body is thrown off balance, the central nervous system is unable to perform to the best of its ability. 

Every action, exercises movement of human body stretch nerves, tissues more and more and musculoskeletal twists increases so psoriasis flaring all over body. 

How psoriasis cure- 

Functional link between the teeth and back.

Upper jaw hold sculk properly.

Body posture depends on Jaws.

Spinal alignment important for health, 

As muscles and skeletal alignment depends on upper jaw.

locate an organ that lead you to the corresponding tooth. 

All above points help me to cure psoriasis. 

I push human body upper jaw teeth no 7,8,9,10 to right side, 

Lowe jaw teeth no 22,23,24,25,to left side. 

Result is cure of psoriasis. 

Conclusion - 

It's my own personal experience. Psoriasis is curable, solution is present our own body. Unfortunately psoriasis sufferer thrown off balance and misalignment of spinel cord reaction of body psoriasis.


