Discrimination of the British Universities Against International Radiographers: A Case Study


Abdulwahab Alahmari
Radiology Specialist, Radiology Department, Al-Namas General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Al-Namas City, Saudi Arabia.

Article Information

*Corresponding author: Abdulwahab Alahmari, Radiology Specialist, Radiology Department, Al-Namas General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Al-Namas City, Saudi Arabia
Received: May 06, 2021
Accepted: May 22, 2021
Published: May 28, 2021
Citation: Abdulwahab Alahmari “Discrimination of the British Universities Against International Radiographers: A Case Study”. Clinical Case Reports and Clinical Study, 4(2); DOI:
Copyright: © 2021 Abdulwahab Alahmari. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Many British universities offer radiographic reporting programs, but these programs are designed to allow British citizens only to join those programs. Usually these programs are a part−time and those programs use the “spoon−feeding education” approach which is not the same approach that used with international students. Usually internationals allowed to join self−learning programs that make unqualified Radiographers who will not be able to pass any examination from any medical registry organization worldwide. Usually these post−graduate programs use distance learning, self−learning, no exams, no GPA, no score, and continues assessment approach. All the programs that international students can join, are non−Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) accredited programs. If these program had an accreditation, the graduates will be able to work in the United Kingdom to fill the shortage of Reporting Radiographers. Due to the discriminatory regulations by British university against international applicants, they could not join any good accredited program.

Keywords: Discrimination, International Students, Radiographic Reporting, Admission, Education


Radiographic reporting is a new advanced practice for the Radiographers in the United Kingdom. The only country in the world that offers such courses is the United Kingdom. Most of the Radiographers− worldwide −, if they want to learn radiographic reporting, they have to study in the United Kingdom because it’s the only country in the world that allows radiographic reporting for Radiographers. Therefore, This paper aim to study 10 British universities that offer Radiographic reporting programs to see if there is any discriminatory regulations against international students. The conditions and the criteria is collected from the official   

University of Derby (case 9)

This university offers a post-graduate certificate called PgCert in Image Reporting as a part-time program for British/European applicants [10]. The international students can’t join this program and the fee is affordable (i.e. £ 900 per 20 credit which means £2,700 in total for the PgCert). The students must have a registration with the HCPC and they must have a mentor.  

Birmingham City University (case 10)

They offer a master’s degree and many PgCerts that have interpretation modules [11]. This program is allowed for British and European students. It’s a 3-year and part-time program. This program has accreditation from the HCPC. The international students can’t join this program. 


The United Kingdom left the European Union and many European skilled workers left the Britain, but the British universities still provide exceptions for European students even if they do speak English fluently see (Table. 1). There are 5 programs of the 10 programs in this study, do not ask for English language requirements and treat the European students like British students. These major exceptions is not given to the international students. Furthermore, English is not the mother language in all Europe.

If the British universities argue that they give these easy conditions for European because they will stay in the United Kingdom, the British universities can’t grantee for 100% that they will stay. Actually many European work force left or stopped coming to the United Kingdom after the Brexit [12]. All the European Union countries, do not speak English as their first language, but most of the British programs in this study do not even ask for a language test for the European students, but due to the Bologna Agreement in June 19, 1999 and the Copenhagen Declaration in November 2002 these conditions were made even if they are not in the interests of the British public. As well, if the British universities are given financial support to the European students and the United Kingdom is not part of the European Union and they can’t grantee that the European students will work in the United Kingdom after graduation, so what is the point from all these free services? Meanwhile, the international students who are similar to the European students (all have different mother language (i.e. English is not their native language) and all are not British citizens), they do not receive similar easy conditions and financial support. Nobody can grantee that international students will stay or leave the United Kingdom after graduation as well. The British law allow students to stay for two years after graduation to find a job [13], but with these non-accredited (i.e. non HCPC approved) programs, the chance for international students to find a job is very low. Its crystal clear that British universities discriminate against international students in a way that oppose and contradict the British law.          

Most of the British universities do not even allow international students to join most of the programs in the first place see (Table. 1). When international students join a program, most of the British universities ask for high tuition with average (among these 10 universities in this study) of £ 19,834 see (Table. 1). The British universities offer programs that has no accreditation (non HCPC approved) and even the British students are not even allowed to apply to these programs. For example, Hertfordshire University have a program that does not meet with any educational standards whatsoever to the point where they prevent British citizens from joining this program. The university does not provide accreditation, training, exams, or even good education. This program is not accepted in many countries worldwide. The British universities always target the 3rd world low income students with these programs that will set them for failure. When a British university offers a good program, they set very harsh admission conditions and high tuitions that most of the international students can’t afford.

The spoon feeding method is mostly used in the programs that allowed for the British/European students, while international students’ programs are using distance learning, self-learning, blended learning, etc. The used type of exams in the programs that allowed for British/European is MCQ, written exam, poster, essay, oral exams, presentation, clinical evaluation during clinical placement by selected mentors who have been selected by the university, etc. The testing methods used for internationals’ programs is mainly continues assessment and homework. This is show how these universities deeply practice discrimination on a massive scale.              

This case study shows that there is an institutionalized discrimination against international students in terms of the admission conditions, tuitions, join an accredited (HCPC approved) program to secure their future by finding a job after graduating from an accredited (HCPC approved) program, ability to get the HCPC registration, ability to work in the Britain, etc. 


Most of the British universities who offer  radiographic reporting programs show bias and discrimination against international students to prevent them from learning, practicing, or working in the United Kingdom which is against the British law and humans rights to get education and to work. The United Kingdom faces a health crisis in radiology reporting all across the United Kingdome and most of the British universities are disconnected with the reality. 

University name

British fee

In £



In £

British can join


Can join

HCPC approved

IELTS score needed

Brighton and Sussex Medical School  [1]







Cardiff University  [2] 



Yes any program

No only M.Sc.

Yes for PgCert

No for M.Sc.


Robert Gordon University [3]



Yes any program

Not allowed

Yes for both PgCert & M.Sc.



University of Hertfordshire   [5]



Not allowed




University of Bradford [6]



Allowed to join any program

If they are UK-based, Have HCPC registration, have a mentor, work in UK hospital.

From outside the UK no



Teesside University   [7]







Glasgow Caledonian University [8]







London South Bank University   [9]







University of Derby [10]







Birmingham City University [11]










9 = Yes

7 = No

8 = Yes





1 = No

5 = Yes

4 = No


Average / comment



9/10 allowed

No = 7,

Yes with conditions = 5

Programs target the British = yes,

Programs target the internationals = No

Average 7,

European students  do not have to take IELTS

Table 1. A summary of all cases.


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  2. Cardiff University. Radiography (MSc) (full time) (18 months) [Internet]. School of Healthcare Sciences. 2020. Available from: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses/course/radiography-msc [cited 22 December 2020].
  3. Robert Gordon University. Diagnostic Image Reporting Course with PgCert | RGU University – Aberdeen, Scotland, UK | RGU [Internet]. Rgu.ac.uk. 2020. Available from: https://www.rgu.ac.uk/study/courses/956-pgcert-diagnostic-image-reporting [cited 22 December 2020].
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